Wednesday, January 27, 2010

movement 7: divorce

So this was really fun. I felt truly innovative doing this. I was thinking about how you can capture the movement of a car's lights going by at night and thought how cool it would be if somehow a car's lights spelled something. But that would be impossible. So I went out and got some glowsticks at michael's to make my own moving light. The hard part was deciding what to write in the had to be meaningful. I couldn't just write "this is movement" or scribble aimlessly. And at the time a had been thinking about my frustration of having to live in two different houses...and with the step parents in the picture I've lived considerable amounts of time in four different houses...while still going to Lakeridge. So this was a comment on the impact of divorce on kids.

Compositionally, this was really difficult. I had to put the camera on a timer, set the shutterspeed to 15 seconds, and go run in front of the frame and start writing, backwards, in the air separately for each word. You'd be surprised how long it took me to get the word "where" in the frame and just the right size. But it came out well.

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